Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More on the videos we watched

Thanks to the students for letting me experiment with my laptop as the DVD player. I'll be borrowing the Faith Formation monitor and DVD player from now on.

Here is a little more information on St. Rita:

From American Catholic.com

From New Advent.net

And here is a little more about the 1977 mini-series Jesus of Nazareth.

Aha! I knew it!!! Robert Powell is a Shakespearean-trained actor. And he kinda looks like Greg Brady, now (do you guys know who Greg Brady is?)
Robert PowellWhy is Shakespeare worth doing?

Young people obviously baulk at Shakespeare, and quite rightly too, it's bloody difficult. But most of the really interesting things in life are difficult. The harder something is to do, the more interesting it is to succeed in doing it, and the more exciting it is when you do succeed in doing it.

I think that Shakespeare is one of the most supremely glorious challenges for any young actor. It's so rewarding to go through the tunnel of discovery and come out of the other side and share your enlightenment with people who are listening to you.

It's real. Shakespeare is real, it is couched in a language that's not familiar to us, but that doesn't mean that you can't deliver it in exactly the same way that you'd deliver a speech from Coronation Street. You can do it in the same accent as Coronation Street, for goodness sake. Shakespeare is well worth the effort.

Get the full story HERE.


Be prepared to do some movement for next class.....

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